AgoraCart free shopping cart software
AgoraCart free shopping cart software
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Web Hosting Requirements for AgoraCart

AgoraCart is ecommerce shopping cart software that requires a webhosting account. There are several ways to get hosting for AgoraCart including managed ecommerce where the technical details and sometimes the template design & setup are handled for you, or using shared web hosting you already have, or find web hosting from one of our hosting partners.

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Phoenix (Version 07.x)

Operating System

GNU Linux/Unix
( such as AlmaLinux, CentOS, RedHat Enterprise, Ubuntu, CloudLinux, etc )

Microsoft IIS

Web Server Apache, Lite-Speed, NGINX
PHP Version 8.0+ (will run on 7.1, 7.2, 7.4)
PHP Modules Required:
  • Not Finalized Yet

Route 66 (Version 06.6.x)

Operating System GNU Linux/Unix
( such as AlmaLinux, CentOS, Ubuntu, CloudLinux, etc )
Web Server Apache, Lite-Speed ( with mod_rewrite if using SEO/short URLs in Apache )
Perl Version 5.10 + (might run on 5.8.8 but not tested)
Perl Modules Required: *
  • Archive::Extract
  • Archive::Tar
  • Encode
  • File::Copy
  • File::Copy::Recursive
  • File::Find
  • File::Path
  • HTTP::Request
  • Locale::Countr
  • LWP::Protocol::https
  • LWP::Simple
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • MIME::QuotedPrint
  • XML::Simple
Recommended: *
  • GD
    (not required but affects manager image functions)

* If any modules are missing server wide for your web hosting, most cPanel users should be able to install any missing Perl modules locally in their hosting control panels and AgoraCart will be able to use them.

Version 6.0 - Gold Supporters Only

Operating System GNU Linux/Unix
( such as CentOS, RedHat Enterprise, Ubuntu, CloudLinux, etc )
Web Server Apache ( with mod_rewrite if using SEO/short URLs )
Perl Version 5.8.8 thru 5.16.x

Versions 5.x (5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.5)

Operating System GNU Linux/Unix
( such as CentOS, RedHat Enterprise, Ubuntu, CloudLinux, etc )
Web Server Apache
Perl Version 5.8.8 +

Versions 3.x to 4.x (3.0 to 4.0k-4b)

Operating System GNU Linux/Unix
( such as CentOS, RedHat Enterprise, Ubuntu, CloudLinux, etc )
Web Server Apache
Perl Version 5.6.0 to 5.8.8

Our Premier & Featured Sponsors

We hope you have enjoyed using AgoraCart and if you feel like it has helped you out and want to support the team you can help us by visiting our sponsors, donating or backing us on Patreon, or becoming a Gold Supporter and enjoying the extra benefits. Any amount would help support and continue development on this project and is greatly appreciated.

SnooperHost - Featured Web Hosting Partner
NiftyPay - Premier Sponsor
National Card Payments - Premier Sponsor