Like many Open Source Software projects, we rely heavily on the support and donations from users like yourself. If you found this software useful, or you received help from a volunteer/team member, please feel free to say thank you with a donation:
(suggested donations are $1 per month or $15 per year):
There are many ways to contribute and help the AgoraCart project that are extremely helpful to everyone. Below are some suggetions.
Join and participate in our user forums (Gold and Community) weekly. If you know the answer to another user's problem, answer it as best you can. Once you feel experienced enough, you can request to be a community builder / moderator, if a slot is open.
Likewise, if you have the access to our official Discord, Slack or Telegram channels, please help others in those areas too.
Create videos on AgoraCart features and how to use them. We will embed your videos in our documentation or link to them if on Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
Note: video guides must meet our acceptance standards -- voice over or onscreen text, screencast for most of content, no swearing / foul language, no adult images or content, etc.
Are you a code monkey or code wrangler? Create and sell your AgoraCart modules on our official marketplace. We look for modules that enhance the cart and add value to the user community. Module ideas can be things such as integration of 3rd party services like email, sales taxes, shipping services, payment gatways, accounting, marketing, or other b2b services.
Are you a designer or web developer? Create a template or page layout (ppinc). Then donate it to us or sell it in our official marketplace. We accept files based on Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Materialize CSS, etc.
We hope you have enjoyed using AgoraCart and if you feel like it has helped you out and want to support the team you can help us by visiting our sponsors, donating or backing us on Patreon, or becoming a Gold Supporter and enjoying the extra benefits. Any amount would help support and continue development on this project and is greatly appreciated.